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So, where to start the job search in Germany. In the first place. Learn whether You need to prove your professional qualification. If You are a graduate and would like to work if they need the recognition (nostrification) of the diploma.
If You are going to look for a job without a diploma, I advise you to visit a very useful resource where is the list of the most required professions. For such workers to obtain permission much easier.
Secondly. Begin the search itself. If You are already in Germany or have access to print media (Newspapers), we note the following:
— Süddeutsche Zeitung;
— Frankfurter Rundschau;
— Die Zeit ("Time"comes out on Thursday);
— Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung;
— Arbeitsmarkt-Hefte des Wissenschaftsladen Bonn (release Tuesday).
In these publications print ads from all over Germany.
Internet. Here are a few resources that will help You in finding work in Germany without intermediaries and will communicate directly with the employer:
Also in Germany is the center for employment of foreigners (ZAV). On his website ( also publishes job vacancies.
Thirdly. Send resume and send to a potential employer. Do this continuously until you get the desired response.